
Dr. Golok bihari maji   photo

Dr. Golok bihari maji

m.b.b.s., m.s.(ortho.)
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About The Doctor

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    Dr. Golok bihari maji (76) is a highly skilled and experienced Orthopedic. With over over a decade of experience, Dr. Golok bihari maji is known for his exceptional medical expertise and compassionate patient care. He has dedicated his career to diagnosing and treating a wide range of medical conditions while providing personalized healthcare services to his patients.

    Expertise and Specialization

    Dr. Golok bihari maji specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal conditions, including fractures, joint disorders, sports injuries, and degenerative diseases. his expertise encompasses surgical and non-surgical treatments to restore function and alleviate pain.

    Professional Background

    Dr. Golok bihari maji holds a medical degree m.b.b.s., m.s.(ortho.) with specialization in orthopedic surgery and has completed extensive training in musculoskeletal medicine. He is certified by the Medical Council of india and keeps abreast of the latest advancements in orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation.

    Practice Location

    Dr. Golok bihari maji practices in east midnapore, where He provides comprehensive orthopedic care. his clinic is equipped with modern diagnostic and therapeutic technologies to offer precise and effective treatments.

    Patient-Centered Approach

    Dr. Golok bihari maji adopts a patient-centered approach to orthopedics, emphasizing personalized treatment plans to meet individual needs and goals. He works closely with patients to educate them about their conditions and guide them through their recovery journey.


    Dr. Golok bihari maji , MD (Orthopedics), is a vital resource for patients seeking relief from musculoskeletal issues in east midnapore. his dedication to patient care and advanced treatment options ensures improved mobility and enhanced quality of life.

    Doctor's Gender

    • male

    Education & Experiences

    • bachelor of medicine bachelor of surgery

      From west bengal university of health sciences

    • master of surgery

      From west bengal university of health sciences on orthopedic.

    “Patient’s Corner”

    The patient’s rights as a consumer are as follows

    • Patients have the right to know a doctor's experience, qualifications and all degrees as full disclosure of a physician's credentials and expertise ensures transparency and empowers patients to make well-informed healthcare choices.
    • Patients have the right to be told about their illness, to have their medical records explained.
    Go To Patient's corner
    Frequently Asked Questions
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    Dr. Golok Bihari Maji consultation fee is Rs.0 (Approx)

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